
  • Wanyama Calistus Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Author
  • Dr. Osoro Anthony (Ph.D), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Author


Supply Chain Agility, Virtual Integration Market Sensitivity, Performance, Commercial State Corporations


This study focused at supply chain agility and performance of commercial State Corporation in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The general objective of this study sought to determine the relationship between supply chain agility and performance of commercial State Corporations. The specific objectives of this study were; virtual integration and market sensitivity on performance of commercial state corporations in the Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive qualitative and quantitative research design as there were variables which could not be quantified but could only be described. Descriptive research design was employed since there was quantitative data. The target population of the study was 125 individuals particularly Sub-County Administrators, Preference Group Officials, Procurement Officers. The stratified and simple random sampling technique was used get three stratus respondents who are senior management drawn from following commercial state corporations procurement, sub county administrations and three group officials. Also, sample was collected from experienced senior management. Data was collected through administering of structured questionnaire to the respondents. The questionnaire was dropped and picked after two weeks but the respondents were given more days if they do not finish filling the questionnaire within the period. Pilot testing 10% of the target population was applied to the data instrument to ascertain the validity and reliability of the instruments. Data was analyzed with the help Statistical Package for Social Science version 28 and the findings is now presented in the form of   charts, tables, and graphs for simple understanding of the findings. Construct validity was tested using factor loading of above 0.7 and expert prove reading with a rating above 0.5. Further, reliability of the instruments was tested using Cronbach's alpha in which all the variables recorded an alpha value of greater than 0.7 thus reliable. The study concludes that a unit change in virtual integration would thus lead to a .468 effect on  performance of commercial state corporation in Nairobi City County in Kenya sector ceteris paribus; while a unit change in market sensitivity would lead to .260 change in on performance of commercial state corporation in Nairobi City County.


Author Biographies

  • Wanyama Calistus, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

    Master of Science in Procurement and Logistics

  • Dr. Osoro Anthony (Ph.D),, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



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How to Cite

SUPPLY CHAIN AGILITY AND PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL STATE CORPORATIONS IN NAIROBI CITY COUNTY, KENYA. (2024). International Journal of Management and Business Research, 6(1), 890-905.