Project Time Management, Stakeholder ParticipationAbstract
Despite the growing demand worldwide for qualified project managers, there is a substantial number of health project managers who do not have the requisite practices, experience, knowledge nor the relevant time management practices for successful project delivery. This study sought to establish the effect of project time management practices and the moderating relationship of stakeholder participation on performance of county referral hospitals in Kenya. The study was based on Pickle Jar Theory and Stakeholder Theory of Project Management. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design. The study involved 432 respondents drawn from senior hospital superintendents and departmental managers. Data was collected using questionnaires. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics using statistical analysis (SPSS). Findings showed that project time management had a significant relationship with performance of county referral hospitals, and stakeholder participation moderates the relationship between project time management and performance of county referral hospitals in Kenya. Based on the results therefore, the study concluded that time management practices had a role to play on performance of projects in county referral hospitals. Project managers should be trained on effective management of project time. The training will enable proper estimation project timelines and prepare work breakdown structures for the project. The stakeholders particularly the community members should be sensitized on the importance of actively participating in development projects.
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