Editorial Team

The International Journal of Management and Business Research (IJMBR) is guided by a distinguished Editorial Team comprising leading academics and professionals from around the world. The team is dedicated to upholding the journal’s standards of excellence and ensuring the publication of high-quality research that advances the field of management and business.


  • Prof. Alexander M. Knaster
    Professor of Management
    [University/Institution Name]

Associate Editors:

  • Dr. Michael Brown
    Associate Professor of Marketing
    London School of Economics, UK

  • Dr. Aisha Ahmed
    Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behavior
    University of Sydney, Australia

  • Dr. Rahul Mehta
    Professor of Finance
    Indian Institute of Management, India

Managing Editor:

  • Ms. Maria Gonzalez
    Managing Editor
    International Journal of Management and Business Research

Section Editors:

  • Strategic Management:
    Dr. Emily Davis
    Associate Professor
    INSEAD, France

  • Human Resource Management:
    Dr. John Lee
    Senior Lecturer
    National University of Singapore

  • Marketing Management:
    Dr. Laura Thompson
    Professor of Marketing
    University of Toronto, Canada

  • Operations and Supply Chain Management:
    Dr. Carlos Mendez
    Assistant Professor
    University of São Paulo, Brazil

  • Finance and Accounting:
    Dr. Sandra Ng
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Advisory Board:

  • Dr. Peter Johnson
    Dean, School of Business
    Stanford University, USA

  • Dr. Fatima Al-Sayed
    Director, Center for Business Research
    University of Dubai, UAE

  • Dr. Hiroshi Tanaka
    Professor of Innovation Management
    Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Technical Editor:

  • Mr. James Carter
    Technical Editor
    International Journal of Management and Business Research

Editorial Assistants:

  • Ms. Ana Martinez
    Editorial Assistant
    IJMBR Office

  • Mr. David Kim
    Editorial Assistant
    IJMBR Office