
  • Kamau Robert Chege Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Author
  • Dr. Mang’ana Robert, Phd Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Author


Strategic Innovations, Process Innovations, Technological Innovations Growth, Public Universities Income, Generating Units


The main objective of the study was to examine influence of strategic innovations on the growth of public universities in Kenya through IGUs. The specific objectives sought to infer process and technological innovations on the growth of public universities in Kenya through IGUs. Descriptive research design was applied on a population of management officers from eighteen (18) public universities in Kenya. The data collection instrument was structured questionnaires. A secondary data sheet was used to collect data relevant to the study from print resources. The target population was composed of both relevant public universities management officers and from the respective IGUs’ management officers. The collected data was descriptively and inferentially analysed using SPSS. Relationships between the variables was established through utilization of inferential statistics. The correlation coefficient was used to measure the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable while regression analysis was used to measure the strength between the dependent and independent variables. The collected and analysed data was presented in form of tables and figures. The study found that Process and Technological innovations had a significant positive impact, underlining their potential to drive substantial growth. An increment of a single unit in process and technological innovation correlated with notable growth expansions, emphasizing their importance in growth of public universities in Kenya. The findings concluded that innovative processes, commercialization and technological innovation play a key role in attaining institutional growth. Comprehending these determinants is important in formulation of effective growth strategies in public universities in Kenya through their IGUs. Key focus being, optimization of processes and leveraging technological advancements to fuel substantial expansion. Finally, the study recommended that public universities in Kenya should streamline business processes in the IGUs and strategically integrate relevant technologies that support the mission and vision of the IGUs. Public Universities should adopted commercialization of products and services to achieve institutional growth, through IGUs.

Author Biographies

  • Kamau Robert Chege , Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

    Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management)

  • Dr. Mang’ana Robert, Phd, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



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