
  • Joseph Toroitich Ng’iroo Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Author
  • Dr. Osoro Anthony (Ph. D) Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Author


Strategic Direction, Strategic Priorities, Strategic Managers, Organizational Performance


This general objective of the study was to examine the effect of strategic Direction and organizational performance of West Pokot county, Kenya. Strategic direction is one of the important factors in the promotion of organizations' performance across the globe. The devolution of leadership and resources has created a necessity for each county government to adopt a unique leadership direction in order to gain an outstanding position in resource management among other counties in the country. The study was guided by the strategic choice theory and upper echelon. A descriptive research design was used in this investigation. The target respondents were 77 top level county government staff. The sample size for this study was the same as the target population and the study employed census method because the target population will be manageable. The study adopted primary data, which was collected using questionnaires. In order to evaluate and understand the obtained data, quantitative data was conducted using SPSS version 29 software. For the study, Pearson correlation was used in order to determine the degree of association between study variables. The study findings were expected to be of great significance to the strategic management literature and future scholars. This study concludes and recommends that strategic direction has an impact towards the performance of West Pokot County government in Kenya.

Key Words: Strategic Direction, Strategic Priorities, Strategic Managers, Organizational Performance

Author Biographies

  • Joseph Toroitich Ng’iroo , Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

    Masters Student

  • Dr. Osoro Anthony (Ph. D), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

    Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of business and entrepreneurship, 


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How to Cite

STRATEGIC DIRECTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF WEST POKOT COUNTY GOVERNMENT, KENYA. (2024). International Journal of Management and Business Research, 6(2), 175-188.