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Kaveke K. Jerome
Dr. Deya Jared
Dr. Wamalwa Lucy


The study examined corporate culture dynamics and corporate strategic choices by flower firms in Kenya. Corporate culture has been defined by scholars as the shared values, beliefs, and norms within an organization and shapes how decisions are made. Strategic choices, on the other hand, involve decisions related to market positioning, resource allocation, and growth strategies that determine the long-term direction of a company. Specifically the study explored whether clan culture, market culture and hierarchal culture influenced the corporate strategic choices by flower firms in Kenya in. A moderating role (firm size) was established. Descriptive research design was adopted and embedded on the positivistic paradigm. The study targeted the flower firms in Kenya. The total number of flower firms in Kenya as per the current Kenya Flower Council (KFC) data is 70. This figure constituted the sample size from where primary data was collected using structured questionnaires. Questionnaires were administered to the respondents and given a day to complete.  The secondary data was collected from journals, books and the internet. Descriptive statistics, regression and correlation analysis were carried out. Descriptive statistics were done to describe the data set of 70 flower firms. Analysis of variance was done to test the research hypothesis. Presentation of the data was done in form of charts and frequency tables. The study established that external environmental dynamics is statistically significant in explaining strategic choices by flower firms in Kenya’. The influence was found to be negative. This means that unit increase in Environmental dynamics would lead to a decrease in strategic choices by flower firms in Kenya. The results indicated that when the external environment is turbulent, or uncertain, the flower firms would adjust their strategies more frequently to mitigate risks and capitalize on emerging opportunities.  Based on the findings, the study concluded that external environmental dynamics negatively and significantly influences corporate strategic choices by flower firms in Kenya. In addition, firm size was found to have significant moderating effect on the relationship between external environmental and corporate strategic choices by flower firms in Kenya. From the findings, the study recommends that to survive in a globally competitive market, organizations should consider taking advantage of the new technological opportunities within their target market and responding efficiently to the customer needs. Flower firms can also attempt to minimize the cost of complying with the demands made by those external elements.

Article Details

How to Cite
CORPORATE CULTURE DYNAMICS AND CORPORATE STRATEGIC CHOICE BY FLOWER FIRMS IN KENYA. (2024). Journal of Applied Social Sciences in Business and Management, 3(2), 1023-1037.
Author Biographies

Kaveke K. Jerome, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

PhD Student

Dr. Deya Jared, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Dr. Wamalwa Lucy , Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


How to Cite

CORPORATE CULTURE DYNAMICS AND CORPORATE STRATEGIC CHOICE BY FLOWER FIRMS IN KENYA. (2024). Journal of Applied Social Sciences in Business and Management, 3(2), 1023-1037.


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